Our Creative Courses

We need more clean, wholesome entertainment in the world!
Whether we're aware of it or not, our entertainment helps shape us, and others.
If you enjoy our comics, and feel inspired to make morally upright content yourself, we want to help! We put out videos to help creative individuals get started.
There are a lot of platforms to read comics on, but so many comics coming out today are full of profanity, blasphemy, gratuitous violence, and other sensitive content that we should not set before our eyes.
This is where we come in.
We may not like what the platforms promote, but they leave the door open for us to share works that are lovely and clean! We should take this as an opportunity to share something good for the soul, and potentially life-saving and life-changing for the lost. We don't want to encourage new readers to go to these sites/apps, but rather we are trying to reach those who are already there.
Reader Caution:
Most of the platforms for reading webcomics are not child-friendly. Particularly graphic comics will usually have a content warning for the reader about the mature themes featured, but platforms, that is the sites/apps, vary. Keep in mind that Beyond Remnants is obscure among the comic community with its focus around clean content. All Ages to 13+ ratings keep us, for the most part, family-friendly. Many of the webcomics out there are aimed towards older teens and adults. Be careful!
Making your comic
The first step is thinking up an idea, the next is making it a reality! We used Clip Studio Paint and created this video to show how to make a comic from start to finish. We go as far as putting down flat colors, so you can watch as a complete newbie, and know everything you need to know to create a webcomic.
Which platform
You'll need to decide which platforms, if any, you want to post your comic on! It's good to know the differences ahead of time, so you know how to format your comics.
Here, we take a look at two very popular platforms, Tapas and Webtoon. You aren't limited to these two platforms, of course! You can always make your own website to feature your work, like we have!
Tapas has a lot to offer creators in the way of visual appeal and tags. It really gives you the chance to showcase your work, making it easier to get views. You can have long episodes, and easily advertise your other works.
You can schedule updates ahead of time, and readers can see when the updates will be coming out.
You can mark finished comics as complete.
Some creative pros here are the huge userbase, active community, events that can encourage reading new comics, and visibility if you do regular updates. Webtoon does still favor its own original comics over small creators, though.
If you're looking to make a profit, Webtoon doesn't really offer anything until you have a bit of a following first, so you'll have to do some groundwork.
Hosting your comics on Wix
You can make your own website to host your comics just like we have! Here's a quick start guide to using Wix for webcomics!