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Chapter 1: The Box

Soapy leaves the box.

Chapter 2: When Life Gives you Lemons

Soapy goes to the kitchen

Chapter 3: Shop for New Ideas

Soapy goes to the store.

Chapter 4: SOUL ANCHOR

Soapy searches the internet.

Chapter 5: Pack Your Bags

Soapy packs his bags.

Chapter 6: Loofah

Soapy goes on vacation.

Chapter 7: Purpose

Soapy reunites with Loofah.

Chapter 8: Fight or Flight

Soapy returns home.

Chapter 9: Valentine

Soapy shops for Valentine's day.

Chapter 10: The Question - Season Finale

Soapy asks the big question.

Chapter 11: Married Life - Season 2 Premiere

Soapy and Loofah plan to decorate.

Chapter 12: Kitchen Sink

Soapy meets an old foe...

Chapter 13: Missing

Soapy returns to find Loofah is gone.

Chapter 14: Cold Truth

Soapy confronts King Lemon.

Chapter 15: Alone

Soapy finds himself alone.

Chapter 16: Where to go

Soapy goes to church.

Chapter 17: Keeping it Cool

Soapy returns home.

Chapter 18: Sour Confrontation

Soapy is attacked.

Chapter 19: Long Live King Lemon

Soapy is at the mercy of King Lemon.

Chapter 20: The End - Series Finale

Soapy series ends.

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