In an effort to increase, we must first decrease...

This October has so far be spent working on storyboards for Saint Parasitic. Our usual method of getting comics done is to write an overview, that is, the general plot/characters, then do a storyboard with dialogue for an update, then sound effects, lineart, coloring, etc. It's been a slow process with us switching between four different stories at any given time. This month, we have changed our method of creation, and we'll see how it goes. Instead of one step at a time to release an episode, we're going to storyboard and edit the entire Saint Parasitic series.
With just one task being handled all at once this way, we should have less to process mentally, and more focus on each task at hand. This also opens up other options for finishing our comics, such as putting together teams of artists. Not likely a route we will go given our limited budget, but something we can maybe consider in the future. We're currently doing a storyboard for chapter 11 of Saint Parasitic. After it's all done, we'll try to get an actual SP update out, then start the storyboards for the rest of our unfinished comics. We especially want to focus on Beyond Remnants so we can make great progress on our passion project! You can see some behind the scene content on our Ko-fi page!
Our thanks for all of the patience and support shown from our readers!
Sometimes we have to slow down and rethink our process to make the most of things going forward. We hope to bring you some awesome stories to read soon!